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  Required license missing
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If you receive the "Required license missing" error in the web browser when you attempt to visit the Sitecore site or clients, you may have forgotten to copy the license.xml file to the Sitecore webroot /data directory.

If you do have a valid, up-to-date license.xml file in the Sitecore webroot /data directory, but you still recieve this error, you may have installed .NET and IIS in the wrong order.  You can repair the IIS mappings by running the following commands from a DOS prompt:

C:\> cd WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework> dir
04/01/2005  09:37 AM    <DIR>          v1.1.4322
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework> cd v1.1.4322
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322> aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Note that the .NET version directory may have a different directory name for your machine.  Be sure to choose the v1.1.x directory.

See also:

Troubleshooting » License issues

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